Anniversary of Loss: Ideas for Commemorating the Anniversary of a Loved One’s Passing

Anniversary of Loss: Ideas for Commemorating the Anniversary of a Loved One’s Passing

Jul 17

Anniversary of Loss: Ideas for Commemorating the Anniversary of a Loved One’s Passing

Posted by Newhaven Funerals

The anniversary of a loved one’s passing is often a time of mixed emotions, serving as a reminder of both loss and cherished memories. Finding meaningful ways to commemorate this day can provide comfort and a sense of connection to the departed. At Newhaven Funerals NQ, we understand the importance of honouring your loved ones and offer these suggestions for marking this significant occasion. Incorporating these ideas can help you create a personal and heartfelt tribute, whether through special gatherings, memorial events, or personal rituals.

Special Gatherings

Family Reunions: Bringing family and friends together can be a powerful way to remember your loved one. Share stories, look through photo albums, and spend time reflecting on the good times you shared. This collective remembrance can provide emotional support and strengthen family bonds.

Memorial Services: Consider holding a memorial service that includes readings, music, and speeches. This can be similar to the funeral service or a more informal gathering. The service can be held at a meaningful location, such as a family home, a favourite park, or even the gravesite.

Picnics or Dinners: Organising a picnic or dinner can be a relaxed way to celebrate your loved one’s life. Choose a location that they enjoyed and serve their favorite foods. This can turn the day into a celebration of their life and the joy they brought to others.

Memorial Events

Charity Events: Hosting a charity event in your loved one’s name can be a fulfilling way to honour their legacy. Organise a walk, run, or other fundraising event to support a cause they cared about. This not only honours their memory but also makes a positive impact on the community.

Tree Planting: Planting a tree in memory of your loved one can create a living tribute. Choose a location that was significant to them, such as their garden or a local park. Watching the tree grow can bring comfort and a sense of ongoing connection.

Memorial Run or Walk: Organising a memorial run or walk is another way to bring people together while honouring your loved one. This can be an annual event that raises awareness or funds for a cause that was important to them.

Personal Rituals

Candle Lighting: Lighting a candle in memory of your loved one can be a simple yet profound act. You can do this alone or with family members, creating a moment of reflection and remembrance. This can be done at home, in a place of worship, or at the gravesite.

Memory Jars: Create a memory jar where family and friends can write down their favourite memories or thoughts about your loved one. These can be read aloud during a gathering or kept in the jar to revisit each year.

Creating Art: Engage in artistic activities such as painting, drawing, or crafting to honour your loved one. Creating something beautiful in their memory can be therapeutic and provide a lasting tribute.


Commemorating the anniversary of a loved one’s passing can be a deeply meaningful experience. Whether through special gatherings, memorial events, or personal rituals, these acts of remembrance can bring comfort and help you feel connected to your loved one. At Newhaven Funerals NQ, we are here to support you in creating a tribute that reflects the unique and cherished memories of your loved one.